Team 2017 of Vortex NTNU consists of 18 students from seven different engineering disciplines across all years of study. We have learned a lot from last year's MATE-competition, and this year we will perform even better!
Project Manager
Hometown : Asker
The Board is responsible for coordinating the project and securing a sustainable development of the organization. Their involvement ensures close cooperation between the respective group leaders, and the team’s overall progression, budget and wellbeing.
Deputy Project Manager
Hometown : Rygge
Head of Finance
Hometown : Oslo
Head of Marketing
Hometown : Oslo
Chief Control
Hometown : Trondheim
Chief Electronics
Hometown : Tromsø
Chief Mechanical
Hometown : Måløy
Head of Marketing
Hometown : Oslo
The Marketing group is responsible for the overall branding and profiling of the organization. This includes organizing the website, social media, stands, events, sponsors, media outreach, as well as outlining the market display and product presentation for the actual contest.
Sponsorship Manager
Hometown : Stavanger
Web & Graphics
Hometown : Bergen
Chief Control
Hometown : Trondheim
The Control System group is responsible for developing software that makes it possible for the pilot to control the ROV in an easy, predictable, and reliable way. The responsibilities of the team include essentially all software between the inputs of the pilot, the data gathered by the sensors, and the outputs to the thrusters and manipulator arm.
Hometown : Gjøvik
HW Interface
Hometown : Mo i Rana
Hometown : Molde
Chief Electronics
Hometown : Tromsø
The Electronics group is responsible for the mapping and packaging of the entire electronic system from scratch. The work range from designing custom PCBs to assembling the finished hardware system. This includes optimizing the solutions, as well as troubleshooting it all when it does not work.
Hometown : Gjerdrum
Hometown : Grimstad
Hometown : Kolbotn
Chief Mechanical
Hometown : Måløy
The Mechanical group is responsible for developing a waterproof ROV frame construction. This includes 3D modeling, CFD, coordination of manufacturing, designing thrusters, customizing buoyancy elements, as well as integrating the thrusters and cameras to the overall design. The work also includes development of a capable manipulator arm, which is a critical part og the ROV - allowing us to complete the challenging tasks assigned in the competition.
Frame & Enclosure
Hometown : Sandefjord
Hometown : Flateby
Hometown : London
Team 2016 of Vortex NTNU consists of 21 students from six different engineering disciplines across all years of study. Together we will develop an ROV to compete in the international MATE competition - representing NTNU for the first time!
Hometown : Bømlo
The management is responsible for coordinating the project and securing a sustainable development of the organization. Their involvement ensures close cooperation between the respective group leaders, and the team’s overall progression, budget and wellbeing.
Deputy Leader
Hometown : Oslo
Chief Technical Engineer
Hometown : Oslo
Head of Finance
Hometown : Horten
HR and HSEQ Manager
Hometown : Oslo
Elected Representative
Hometown : Lillesand
Sponsorship Manager
Hometown : Tromsø
The marketing group is responsible for establishing sponsorship agreements as well as follow-ups. The efforts involve exposure of our activities and partners on campus, to the industry and during the competition. This includes marketing and public relations, management of our website and social media profiles.
IT Manager
Hometown : Lillesand
Group Leader Mechanical
Hometown : Oslo
The mechanical group is responsible for designing and manufacturing a unified waterproof ROV frame construction. This includes 3D modelling in CAD, making payloads, production of buoyancy elements and competition props.
Product Development Engineer
Hometown : Måløy
Product Development Engineer
Hometown : Rygge
Product Development Engineer
Hometown : London
Product Development Engineer
Hometown : Oslo
CAD Engineer
Hometown : Brattvåg
Group Leader Electronics
Hometown : Tromsø
The electronics group is responsible for the mapping and packaging of the entire electronic system. The work includes development of mission-specific sensors, circuit boards, and the control unit.
Digital Design
Hometown : Grimstad
Analog Design
Hometown : Gjerdrum
Group Leader Control and Communication
Hometown : Asker
The control and communication group is responsible for maneuverability and stability of the ROV allowing the pilot to perform the tasks consistently and reliably. The work spans from system architecture design, writing embedded software to control the thrusters, programming the dynamic positioning system, and ensuring seamless communication between topside and the ROV is established.
Dynamic Positioning System
Hometown : Trondheim
System Development
Hometown : Oslo
System Development
Hometown : Stord
Embedded System Development
Hometown : Grimstad
The manipulator group is responsible for the design and production of a capable manipulator arm that can pick up and handle objects. The arm is an essential and critical part of the ROV allowing it to complete tasks assigned in the MATE competition.
Hometown : Asker
Hometown : Oslo
Hometown : Oslo
Hometown : Oslo
Hometown : Grimstad
Hometown : Gjerdrum